Heritage Farms

A 2-player strategy game based off of the classic riddle of the Farmer, Chicken, Fox, and Corn.

Players: 1-2

Length: 15-30 Minutes

Ages: 10+

This is a Mint Tin Game based off of the classic riddle of the farmer who needs to get his Chicken, Fox, and Corn across the river with only space for one in the boat at a time. If you leave the Chicken and Fox alone, the Chicken will get eaten. If you leave the Chicken alone with the Corn, the Corn will get eaten. The twist in this game is that you can stick the other player watching over your resources along with theirs. Players compete to be the first to get 2 sets of Chicken, Fox, Corn across the river! Coming to Kickstarter in 2024!

Game Design: Galen McCown

Art and Graphic Design: Jonathan Carnehl

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