# of Players



20-30 Minutes



Super Snipers is a one-to-two-player dueling sniper game that features easy to pick up rules, fast and intense gameplay, simultaneous turns, virtually no downtime, and a familiar polyomino puzzle mechanic used in a novel and exciting way.

Art and Graphic Design by: Hwa Siang

Play on Tabletop Simulator:

Play on Tabletopia:

Check out the Rulebook (English and French)

TTS Scripting by: Alexei Menardo

The Super Snipers Kickstarter Video!

Want to learn how-to-play Super Snipers from me (the designer)?

How to Play.

Reviews, Previews, and more How-to-Plays:

Super Snipers Sell Sheet - Final.jpeg

Super Snipers Sell Sheet

Some images are a little outdated now, but the core of the game is still expressed succinctly here.

A Puzzly Sniper Duel that takes place over 3 Phases:

  • Hiding Phase: Secretly place your three Hiding Cards above your opponent’s Locations. Only one will conceal your hiding spot!

Your Opponent could be hidden in any of the 3 Locations in front of you.

Locate Phase: Place Polyominoes, called “Focus”, to Isolate the central crosshairs and reveal your opponent’s hiding spot.

Cover Surveillance Tiles to complete Surveillance and give yourself a boost when moving to the Target Phase.


You’ve Isolate the crosshairs and discovered your opponent’s Hiding Spot!

Target Phase: Now that you’ve located your opponent, use your Focus to Isolate any Innocent Bystanders, Isolate the Primary Target in the Kill Box, and take the shot!

You’ve isolated all Innocents. Now you just need to place a Focus so that the Primary Target is isolated in the Kill Box……


….then, place your Bullet so that it covers the Primary Target to complete the Kill! First to 3 Kills wins.

Game Modes

  • Duel Mode

    In Duel Mode, you and your opponent take turns simultaneously.

  • Quickdraw Mode

    Played with 10 second timers, you may start your next turn as soon as the timer is up and you’ve placed your Focus. This mode is intense!

  • Two Solo Modes!

    Contract Mode: Face off against an Automa Sniper in a Duel.

    Hostage Rescue: An intense real-time face-off against two Super Snipers at once. Try to complete two target grids in 10-second spurts. But every time the timer is up, the AI pulls a Focus starting the countdown to the Snipers taking a shot at you first or taking out the hostages.


Sirius was part of the first generation of Super Snipers—back when they were still designed to be immortal. Cut off from his anti-aging drug regimen, Sirius is beginning to feel his age of 145 years. No other living Super Sniper has as much experience or as many confirmed kills. Sirius is the definition of “cool under pressure.” Securing New York is a priority for him, as the abandoned Military Compound there likely still has a stash of the anti-aging drug he so desperately needs..

Sirius art by Hwa Siang


Jane VIII represented the cutting edge of the now-defunct Super Sniper program. The seven Janes who preceded her have had their collective consciousness downloaded into Jane VIII's psyche. When Jane VIII takes a shot, it's like having eight trained Snipers focusing on the same target. But in the quiet of night, it's chaos inside her head, as all the horrible memories from eight careers of killing come back in waves. She’s hoping the Military Compound will hold the key to freeing herself from the voices in her head.

Jane VIII art by Hwa Siang


Kuaket was the first human born with innate psychic abilities in over a century. At age 12 she became the first recruit since the inception of the Super Snipers program that wasn’t from the selective breeding program. She became Sirius’ protege and over the next 10 years earned a reputation as the go-to sniper for covert missions. Her ability to infiltrate behind enemy lines in the dark of night and always make the kill, earned her the name, Kuaket, the Egyptian goddess of the dark. Money and rank meant nothing to the young Kuaket, but Sirius’ approval and pride meant everything. After the Great War, Sirius disappeared without a word and Kuaket has been tracking him down ever since. But for what purpose?

Kuaket art by Hwa Siang




“Gun-Head”, as he has come to be known, is a salvaged MDK-01 sniper bot from the last war. Rebuilt to serve as a laborer, he soon grew his own personality from the classic cowboy show that his mentor would leave playing on the old TV in their one room shack. He eventually developed a moral code and sense of responsibility to protect the weak from the strong.  When his mentor passed, he began traveling from settlement to settlement, helping people in need. He rescued Jane from the horrible Super Sniper experiments when she was a young child.  They travelled the wastelands together for a time, but one morning after a reboot, Jane was gone, leaving only a Lockett with her picture and a hand drawn image of Gun-Head.  15 years later he learns that she had become a Super Sniper and is rumored to have lost her mind, resulting in the deaths of dozens of innocents. Gun-Head, conflicted, scours the lands in search of her. 

Art by: Hwa Siang.

Light & Shadow Mini-Expansion.


Light and Shadow Mini-Expansion.

Introducing 2 new Snipers:

J@NU5 is a mind-hacker capable of shutting down their opponent's powers for short periods of time and stealing their basic ability when enraged!

SUBHUTI is a monk with a Basic Ability that becomes less potent the more hits he lands but an Adrenaline power that becomes more powerful with every shot he takes.

Available in the Pledge Manager/ Pre-Order Store!